+91 7890355355 raiihm@live.com
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Today we will discuss about restaurant complaints handling techniques. We all need to deal with complaints no matter how well we serve and cook it is just part of the restaurant business and the key easy in handling it in a way that you will transform the complainers into frequent customers for that you need to believe that the restaurant complaints are not negative incidents. I have handled quite a few when I was working in restaurant’s and many of them turned into positive and profitable incidents as I was able several times to turn the angry customer into a regular customer of my restaurant, sounds difficult!  let me explain the technique that I use the STARS complain technique.

but before you apply this technique you need to read carefully.

1.customer to allow him or her to express to complain without interruption you need to show interest to what they saying and if necessary, grab a piece of paper and pen and make notes of the complaint.

2.These ways you won’t forget the details and your customer these allies is that you are taking his complaint seriously and that he or she is being hurt after this it is time to apply the star technique.

so now let’s elaborate each one of these 5 steps.

  • After you listen carefully to the complaint the first thing you need to do is to say sorry, no matter what happens if the gas is right or wrong, we are always sorry that the customer is not happy or didn’t get what he was expecting.
  • Then we need to Thank the customer to let us know about what made him and happy it is always better that guests talk to you, when they happy then they go talk on the streets and social media and never come back to your restaurant. Because when they complain inside your restaurant you got to great opportunities the first is you can identify things you need to improve in your restaurant and the second is to create a relationship with the customer and make him feel special at your place after saying thank you.
  • After that you need to Act show the customer that you listen and 100 percent committed to solve the problem fast, if the food was cold go he did if they didn’t like what they order take it back and suggest something else from your menu if it is taking too long go to the kitchen and talk to the chef etc, you need to show that you are there to solve the problem A. S. A. P.
  • After solve the problem it is the time to Recover your customer, you can do these by starting a nice conversation with him or her offer him/her some specialty, it is time to make sure that your customer leaves the restaurant happy with a smile on his/her face.
  • After the customer leave your restaurant happy you need to Share the case with your team so that everyone understands what made the client and happy and avoided in the future. And that is it first you listen carefully to the complaint and then use the stars complain technique to turn into a positive incident.



                           MRIMOY HALDER

