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Gin is a flavored alcoholic beverage produced by redistilling high proof spirits with juniper berries and other botanicals.

  • Gin originated over three centuries ago in Holland when Franciscus ‘de la Boe’ Sylvius, professor of medicine  in  Holland’s  University  of  Leiden mixed juniper berries and alcohol to cure kidney
  • The word “Gin” is an abbreviation either derived from the French word ‘genievre’ or the Dutch word ‘junever’ both meaning juniper
  • British soldiers took the drink before going into battle in the Netherlands which gave them ‘Dutch Courage’.
  • They developed liking for the taste and took the art of making this spirit to
  • By 18th Century Gin became a cheap remedy for London’s poor and there was no control over the production of Gin and was produced all over
  • The famous phrase came about because of the cheapness of “Drunk for a penny and dead drunk for two pence, clean straw or nothing”.
  • Some employers even gave Gin to their employees as part payment of





  • Dutch Gin / Holland Gin / Schiedam Gin / Genevar Gin / Geneva Gin


  • London Dry Gin / Dry Gin / English Gin




Equal quantities of malt, corn & rye are mashed and fermented



Distilled in Pot Still (2 or 3 times)



Redistilled with addition of Juniper berries and other aromatics



Stored in glass lined containers and then bottled






  • Full-bodied with clear and pronounced malty aroma and flavor


  • Not ideal for mixed drinks/cocktails as its own taste is predominant


  • Maturation is not required


  • Color is adjusted with caramel


  • It is best enjoyed straight and chilled


  • Bottled in stone crocks – excellent bar display




75% Corn + 15% malt + 10% others mashed and fermented



Distilled in Patent still (90% to 95% al v/v)



Dilution with distilled water (60% al v/v))



Distilled in Pot Still with juniper berries and other botanicals (85% to 90% al v/v)


Dilution to marketing strength and bottled






  • Originally made in and around London (most English gins are still made there). Now it’s a generic
  • Dry means nothing as all gins are


  • It is colorless and light


  • It is used mainly in the preparation of mixed drinks/cocktails.



London Dry

London Dry, originating in…England…but produced all over the world, is what most people think of when they think of gin—and it’s what you typically get in a G&T or martini. Beefeater, Tanqueray, Bombay Sapphire. “You’re definitely gonna get juniper,” said O’Neill, “because juniper is the most dominant flavor within the gin and hence the reason it’s called gin (juniper is genévrier in French).” Juniper, as in the Christmas-tree flavored berry often found in certain Bath and Body Works products, mellows out when distilled.


Plymouth gin is technically a style of gin, but only one distillery produces it and it’s one of the oldest recorded distilleries in the U.K. It’s been through a lot–different owners, a little thing called World War II, the general progression of time and vodka.

Old Tom

Old Tom is the corduroy-clad hipster of gins. After a quick discussion of the death rate versus birth rate in the 16th, 17th, and the 18th centuries, professor O’Neill basically said that back then, gin got a bad rap because so many people were making their own. And it was terrible. “They would have used things like licorice or a sweetening agent to actually sweeten the gin. So it became known as bathtub gin, that style. Old Tom was originally a sweetened style of gin that was produced and it came around the middle of the 18th century, and Old Tom was the street name for the gin.”


This is the original style of gin, dating back to 16th-century Holland. The base grains are malted (so the grain starts to germinate aka liiiiive and then that process is halted), similar to whiskey, giving it a more robust flavor. It’s also flavored with juniper and botanicals, but less so than the other gin types.


  • Gordon’s
  • Bombay Sapphire
  • Tanqueray
  • Beefeater
  • Seagram’s
  • Larios
  • Hendrick’s
  • Gin Mare

Service of gin

Gin & Tonic

The legendary combination of gin and tonic water has been delighting drinkers since the 1700s, when it was invented by British colonialists in India. Malaria posed a major health threat in this region, so doctors often prescribed quinine – a liquid that acts as an antimalarial. But quinine had a bitter, unpleasant taste, so people took to mixing it with gin, sugar, lime, and water to improve its flavour. And thus tonic water (made of water, quinine, and sugar) was born, paired with delicious gin.

Gin & Cucumber

Gin and cucumber is one of the all-time classic drinks combinations. But why does it work so well? The matching of a botanical spirit to a watery vegetable might seem counter-intuitive, but it makes for a delicious combination.

A Fruit Cup

A fruit cup is an absolute British classic; typically a gin-based fruit concoction which is intended to be made into a long drink by the addition of a mixer like lemonade or ginger ale

Gin Martini

As we recently discussed in our James Bond drinks post, a martini made of gin, vermouth, and an olive or lemon garnish is a truly classic cocktail. There are variations on the form – a traditional dry martini is made with dry white vermouth for less sweetness, while for those who prefer a hint more sweetness, a perfect martini uses equal amounts of sweet and dry vermouth.

Drinking Gin Straight

Of course, you can always drink your gin straight. Some people will even tell you that it’s the best way to enjoy gin. Just pour the gin over a few ice cubes and drop in a lime wedge if you fancy. Naturally, to enjoy a spirit neat it must be of good quality – there’s nothing worse than nasty, bitter, cheap gin.





Dutch Gin Bols, Kokma, De Kuyper, Hasekamp, Jonga Graan Jenver


London Dry Gins Booth’s, Gordon’s, House of Lords, Calvert, Tanqueray, Gilbey’s, Beefeaters, White Satin